Informace o projektu
PROFILES—Professional Reflection-Oriented Focus on Inquiry-based Learning and Education through Science
- Kód projektu
- 266589
- Období řešení
- 1/2011 - 5/2015
- Investor / Programový rámec / typ projektu
Evropská unie
- 7. rámcový program EU
- Spolupráce
- Fakulta / Pracoviště MU
Pedagogická fakulta
- doc. RNDr. Josef Trna, CSc.
- doc. RNDr. Eva Trnová, PhD.
- Spolupracující organizace
Freie Universität Berlin
- Odpovědná osoba Ulrich Rössler
The PROFILES project promotes IBSE through raising the self-efficacy of science teachers and in so doing aiding a better
understanding of the changing purpose of teaching science in schools and the value of stakeholder networking. The proposal
innovation is in utilizing existing science teaching materials to support teachers, through an inspired, longitudinal training
programme reflecting stakeholder views and needs, while simultaneously promoting a reflective IBSE school-based, training
related, intervention to promote learning through creative, scientific problem solving and socio-scientific decision making
procedures. The measures of success are through a) determining the self efficacy of science teachers in teaching innovative
science education approaches allowing student acquisition of life skill competencies and b) in the attitudes of students toward
this more context-led, student centered, IBSE-emphasised learning. Dissemination of approaches, reactions, and reflections
form a further key project target.
Počet publikací: 34
Development of science teacher creativity and IBSE
Rok: 2015, druh: Konferenční abstrakty
IBSE PROFILES-Modules in Science Teacher Education
END 2015 International Conference on Education and New Developments, rok: 2015
Implementation of fostering giftedness in science teacher training
International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, rok: 2015, ročník: 6, vydání: 3
Moduly s experimenty v badatelsky orientovaném přírodovědném vzdělávání
Rok: 2015, vydání: Vyd. 1, počet stran: 133 s.
Motivational Effectiveness of a Scenario in IBSE
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences Volume 167, 8 January 2015, The XVI International Organisation for Science and Technology Education Symposium (IOSTE Borneo 2014), rok: 2015
Revival of demonstration experiments in science education
ICEMST2015, International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, Proceeding Book, rok: 2015
Simple experiments in the formation of science concepts in primary science education
IMCIC'15 - ICSIT 2015, The 6th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics, and Cybernetics - The 6th International Conference on Society, and Information Technologies, Proceedings, Volume II, rok: 2015
The Current Paradigms of Science Education and Their Expected Impact on Curriculum
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences Volume 197, 25 July 2015, 7th World Conference on Educational Sciences 2015, rok: 2015
Design-based research as an innovation approach in the construction and evaluation of IBSME
Frontiers in Mathematics and Science Education Research. Proceedings of the Frontiers and Science Education Research Conference 01-03 May 2014, Famagusta, North Cyprus., rok: 2014
Development of Giftedness within PROFILES
Enhancing Inquiry-based Science Education and Teachers' Continuous Professional Development in Europe: Insights and Reflection on the PROFILES Project and other Projects funded by the European Commision, vydání: Vyd. 1, rok: 2014, počet stran: 6 s.