Syntax effizienter vermitteln?



Rok publikování 2011
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Didaktik des Deutschen als Fremdsprache im veränderten sprachenpolitischen Kontext nach der Bologna-Reform
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Pedagogická fakulta

Obor Jazykověda
Klíčová slova syntax; contrastive grammar; e-learning; syntactic structures; corpus based research; Czech-German Parallel Corpus; dependency grammar
Popis The subject syntax is a very important component of German studies. The paper presents the inclusion of this subject in the curricula of fields of study at the Faculty of Education in Brno, defines its goals, contents and methods and identifies some methodological elements leading to its efficiency (for example working with language corpora in the study and student research, new learning and exercise materials).

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