Socio-psychological Training for Readiness for Interaction in Professional Activity of Employers and Specialists with Blindness



Rok publikování 2019
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Pedagogika / Pedagogy
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Pedagogická fakulta

www plne zneni clanku
Klíčová slova professional competence; integration; readiness for interaction; specialists with visual impairment or blindness; employers
Popis The article contains the results of an experimental analysis of the peculiarities and prospects of the interaction of specialists with blindness with their potential employers. Young people with blindness and chiefs of different organizations and institutions (potential employers) took part in the experimental analysis of the readiness for interaction in professional activities. We have received positive dynamics in influencing the emotional component of self-identity of people with profound visual impairment; tendency on a behavior, focused on solving the problem; increasing the level of self-control and independence of other people‘s estimation. On the other hand, the most of potential employers have proven themselves in full capability of people with visual impairment, who can provide a productive professional career

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