Causal and contrastive discourse markers as used by Czech and German students of English in the genre of diploma theses

Název česky Příčinné a kontrastivní diskurzní ukazatele v diplomových pracích českých a německých studentů


Rok publikování 2011
Druh Vyžádané přednášky
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Pedagogická fakulta

Popis The lecturer introduces results of her investigation into a corpus of diploma theses written by Czech and German students of English with the aim of finding out whether the use of causal and contrastive discourse markers by novice non-native speakers differs from the writing habits of experienced native speakers of English when building coherence relations in the genre of diploma theses. In addition, she discusses differences in the preferences of novice writers from different discourse communities, i.e. Czech Republic and Germany, while aiming to identify problems students face when producing texts in academic settings.

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