Open Science

The conditions for the development of modern science include open access to information and data management and sharing according to FAIR principles. These approaches are also beginning to be written into project terms of reference at international and national level.

Open publishing

Open Access is defined as free and unrestricted online access to scientific information with the right to reuse the content through so-called public licenses.

The Open Access condition can be met in the following two ways:

  • The golden way - publishing in open access journals (OA provided by publishers), most often associated with the payment of the so-called APC fee, which is an allowable cost in projects.
  • Green way - self-archiving, i.e. storing publications in open repositories, e.g. MU repository (OA provided by authors). This way is free of charge, but the publisher's conditions (e.g. embargo period, manuscript stage such as preprint, etc.) must be respected.


  • Platinum way - another option is to publish in open access journals without APC fees. These are often university journals.

FAIR/Open data

According to open science, research data should be managed and shared according to four principles:

Findable.To be findable, data must be provided with good metadata and stored in appropriate systems, e.g. repositories.
Accessible. If a user finds the data, they must know under what conditions they can use it.
Interoperable. In order for data to be displayed across systems, it is stored in an open and standardised format.
Reusable. In order to be reusable by users other than the author, data must be accompanied by information about its origin, method of collection, attached license, etc.

FAIR data may or may not then be open. This is not always possible, e.g. when sensitive data is involved.

We offer

  • help with choosing the right magazine
  • finding out the conditions for auto-archiving
  • help with repository filling
  • verification of the journal in terms of predation
  • help with the scientific identifier agenda
  • other issues related to open science

Mgr. Petra Hromádková

Open Science Methodologist for Faculty of Education

phone: +420 549 49 1667
Scientific identifiers

Scientific identifiers

Scientific identifiers are unique numeric or alphanumeric codes that allow the identity of a particular scientist to be uniquely linked to the results of his or her scientific work. It happens, for example, that a scientist is listed in different systems such as Web of Science, Scopus, etc. with different variants of his/her name (typically e.g. Novák, Novak), which makes it difficult to trace his/her work. The aim is therefore to make the identification of authors clearer and to facilitate the analysis of publication activity.


ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is an independent international unique identifier of the researcher.

Format: 0000-0001-2345-6789 or

MU authors are advised to set up an ORCID from 10 May 2021 and then manage it (without updating, setting up an ORCID is meaningless). According to the MU instruction, it is obligatory to register the ORCID in the "Personal identifiers" application in the Publications agenda in the MU IS.

How can I create an ORCID?

First, check to make sure you have not already created an ORCID in the past.

Brief instructions
1) Go to
2) In the top right window, click on SIGN IN
3) Next, click on Register for an ORCID ID
4) The ORCID website is also in English - you can change the language in the top right corner

Detailed instructions (AI translation)

I have already created ORCID, how to work with it?

An ORCID is only meaningful if it is current. It can be linked to Web of Science and Scopus databases.

Instructions for creating and using ORCID and Researcher ID (AI traslation)

Instructions for connecting ORCID to ResearcherID (WoS) and Scopus

Researcher ID

Researcher ID is the identifier of Clarivate Analytics, the producer of Web of Science. It is part of the Publons tool. It is a condition for assigning an ID to have at least one publication listed in WoS.

Format: ABC-1234-2020, older version A-1234-1999.

Instructions for creating and using ORCID and Researcher ID

Scopus Author Identifier

The Scopus Author ID is the identifier associated with the Scopus database and is given in the format: 12345678900.

The identifier is automatically assigned to each author who has publications listed in this database. It may happen that the author's name is not linked to an affiliation, then several different identifiers may be assigned to the author. It is then advisable to request unification under one ID through the Support Center.

Directory of OS sources

Useful sources

Open Science MUNI - MUNI information portal on Open Science and Open Access, also YouTube channel
DOAJ - directory of OA journals, you can browse journals and search for individual articles in OA mode
DOAB - directory of OA books
OpenDOAR - directory of academic and scientific OA repositories
BASE, CORE search engines for academic online resources in OA mode
Sherpa/Romeo - database of academic journal publishers' terms and conditions in relation to self-archiving

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