Incoming Exchange Staff

Faculty of Education, Masaryk University offers various exchange opportunities for academic and non-academic staff all around the world.

Complete information about opportunities for academic staff and non-academic staff at Masaryk University can be found on the website of the Centre of International Cooperation.



First please contact departmental coordinator and arrange incoming exchange staff training (program, conditions etc.) and then contact international coordinator of Faculty of Education (Radek Pospisil). 

In case of teacher exchange between higher education institutions under the Erasmus Program Countries, both institutions have to be holder of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) and must have signed an inter-institutional agreement. If you are interested to sign the agreement with the Faculty of Education please contact the departmental coordinator.

Before departure, you need to arrange your stay and sign the Mobility Agreement. The partner university must have agreed on the program of activities to be undertaken by the visiting teachers (Mobility Agreement) prior to the start of the mobility period.

In all cases, the activities of staff undertaking a teaching assignment should be integrated into the curriculum of the receiving institution.

The List of Erasmus Inter-Institutional Agreements at the Faculty of Education


We welcome staff exchanges, please contact Radek Pospišil, the coordinator, for contacts on departments. You can cover your mobility from your university Erasmus+ or other mobility grant programmes. Please make sure you have agreed all the aspects of your mobility with your receiving colleague before coming. 


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