Study Guide

Here you will find basic information, including valuable links that can help you in some typical study situations, not only in the first semester at the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University.

Life in the Czech Republic and in Brno

Your arrival - how to get to Brno?

Brno has a friendly, small international airport in Tuřany. You can also get to Brno from Prague's International Airport or from Vienna International Airport by taking the Student Agency buses. Tickets are available in Student Agency ticket office at Prague’s International Airport, Terminal 1 or at the bus driver on Vienna connection or online at .

A general website about the transport connection within the Czech Republic is accessible at Find there information about all connections which go from Prague to Brno by trains or buses.There are train connections from Prague Main Railway station directly to Brno Main Railway Station. In addition, there are also couch lines from Prague Bus Main Station Florenc terminal to Brno.

DPMB - Brno City Public Transport:

Brno has a comprehensive and relatively cheap system of public transport (trams, trolleys, and buses) – the information about the integrated public transport system:

Public transport system in Brno

Where to buy a city transport pass

Bank account

Each Masaryk University student should have a bank account in the Czech Republic, to be able to get university scholarships. Exchange students (not receiving any scholarship from MU) can choose not to open an account in the Czech Republic. 

If you are opening a bank account in the Czech Republic, just know that you can get a student account in any Czech bank on the basis of confirmation of studies.

The below mentioned bank and its branch is just a tip, look/ask for other banks in the Czech Republic: google "banks in Brno". A tip: Komerční banka, nám Svobody 21 (Freedom Square). They speak English – just ask for STUDENT bank account (with student benefits) and use the confirmation of studies from the enrollment pack to get one.

Registration after arrival – long-term stays, long-term visa

Ministry of the Interior — MOI
(Ministerstvo vnitra—OAMP)

Tuřanka 115b, Brno-Slatina

Tel.: +420 974 801 801 (telephone appointments)

Visa and immigration information

Czech Police Office for Foreigners

Cejl 62b
Tel: 974 628 131
Fax: 974 628 140

Office hours:
Mon & Wed 8:00-17:00
Fri 8:00-13:00

Medical Insurance

Health care in the Czech Republic is provided on the basis of health insurance. Students are responsible to find and pay for their own insurance. According to recent changes in Czech law, travel medical insurance valid for a long-term visa must be contracted with a company authorized to provide insurance services in the Czech Republic (i.e., by EU-based companies).

Unless exempt due to citizenship or special circumstances (see if you are exempt), you must provide proof that you hold Czech medical insurance before the visa/residence permit is affixed to your travel document. The insurance must cover the entire period of your stay in the Czech Republic determined in accordance with the period your permit has been issued for. Companies that provide adequate medical insurance in the Czech Republic include PVZPUNIQA, Slavia and others.​

More about medical insurance

Czech language

Brno is full of foreigners and most Czechs in Brno understand English. But if you want to, there is certainly no harm in learning basic Czech. There are a number of language schools in Brno or you can enroll in a course at our faculty: CJp069 Czech for Students with a Different Mother Tongue.​

Masaryk University

Masaryk University Information system (IS)

You will be using the IS throughout your studies, so we recommend that you familiarise yourself with it: Getting Started with IS MU as a Student.

The IS contains detailed help, if you are unsure about something, try looking at the help first and then ask questions.

The most important topics for you at the beginning are:

You can also watch the introductory videos.

Masaryk University passwords and systems

1. UCO (or nick) + primary password

Your primary password in Masaryk University electronic systems can be used to access the information system (IS - for administration of studies and search of courses and people at MU) and INET (the University’s economic system, in which you see your payments for dormitories, canteens, copying at university premises – i.e., your SUPO account balance, see below), you can set a secondary password for some other functions.

2. UCO + secondary password

The secondary password has several uses around the University. It is used to access computers in University PC rooms, and to access information about your use of library resources (, for example to see your loans and reservations. It is also used to connect your portable computer to cable or Wifi Internet in university buildings.

You can set and change both passwords in the IS in the SYSTEM menu.


All the payments at Masaryk University can be conducted through SUPO the system. (SUPO = The System of Settlement of Individuals' Claims at Masaryk University.) It is a virtual account every student and employee has in the INET (economic database), and all your transactions are automatically recorded within it.

It is important to activate your personal profile in this system, otherwise you cannot pay for your accommodation, access the internet network in the halls of residence and make copies/prints at a university.

  • Go to SUPO website (The System of Settlement of Individuals' Claims at Masaryk University) (Log in, use your login name and your primary password)
  • Change the language of the website to English, on the right top of the page.
  • Click on the link „SUPO “ in the section “MU economics”, and then on „SUPO client account“ in the submenu.
  • Click on the link „Client's Consent with the Conditions of Running the SUPO System” and read the text.
  • Choose the option „I agree“ and click on „Confirm“ at the end of the page.
  • Your SUPO website is now activated, and you can see your variable symbol. Write it down - it is your personal specific number and it is necessary to mention it when making most regular payments including money transfer from your account to MU account. (Except tuition and application fees and other single payments – they use a special number, identical to the invoice issued.)

Video - How to log in and change password

ISIC card

This card is issued only for full-degree students at Masaryk University and can be used even outside the university for getting some discounts. This card includes a chip and bar code, and serves as a multifunctional card used at the university libraries, copy machines and canteens. Each year, active students pay a small fee to keep the card valid.


Internet access at Masaryk University

All MU students and employees can use the wifi network of MU which is accessible in most of the university premises (there are also internet sockets for cable connection in some libraries, halls). To set up your laptop to MU network, you have to choose one of the networks and connect.

The ultimate guide to MU wifi network here:

Wireless Wi-Fi Connection

University Catering Services

There are cafeterias at almost every faculty, and four university canteens. The canteens offer five kinds of meals: two meat meals, one non­meat meal, a vegetable meal, a low­fat meal (poultry or fish), salads, fruits and deserts. 

Students take their meals through their SUPO or catering account and a valid university card. The card is activated by depositing money on your canteen account, at any cash counter of the catering services. 

About canteens and snack bars

Libraries at Masaryk University

Masaryk University does not have one single central library. Instead, library information structure consists of 9 central faculty libraries (each provides services to its home faculty) and specialized libraries. After you register to one library, you automatically become the member of all libraries. Use your chip card and your UCO (student ID number) to register.

All libraries have a common catalog with a joint search:  - you can use your UCO and secondary password to make bookings, and follow your loans; but non-authenticated search is possible too.

Masaryk University libraries

The Faculty of Education library

Orientation Week

Orientation activities are offered to all students. The orientation week includes presentation of the university and the faculty, introduction to university facilities and information system, tour of Brno city, lecture on Czech culture and a survival Czech language workshop. The International Student Club can arrange a tutor for you to help you with the practicalities, and it organizes many informal events during the week to help the new students settle down. 

The CIC (Centre for International Cooperation) and the ISC (International Student Club) run an extensive orientation week prior to every semester for all international students.

Orientation Week

ISC – International Student Club MU Brno

Máte-li zdravotní znevýhodnění či postižení, neváhejte využít služeb univerzitního střediska, které na profesionální úrovni zajišťuje pomoc studentům.

Komenskeho nam. 2, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Tel.: + 420 774 774 831  

Tutoring (= Masaryk University students helping international students for free) & many other activities like:

  • Country presentations
  • Trips & excursions    
  • Culture events
  • SocialErasmus    
  • Language classes
  • Sports      
  • Games
  • Parties

International Student Guide

Erasmus Student Network MUNI Brno

Registration and enrolment

How to register courses

Before each semester, you must register in IS and enroll in courses and their seminar groups. You must earn a total of 180 credits during your Bachelor's degree and 120 credits during your Master's degree. We, therefore, recommend that you enroll in approximately 30 credits per semester.

Video - How to register courses


By registering, you express your interest in studying the course, and you are included in the list of those interested in the course. If you meet the requirements for enrolment (e.g., course capacity, prerequisites, etc.), your registration is automatically confirmed by enrolling in the course during the "course enrolment period." However, you can still unregister for courses or register for new courses during the beginning of the semester. Some courses also have seminar groups that you must select and register for even if you have already registered for the course as a whole.

Video - How to enroll course/seminar group

What courses to register

The subjects are:

  • compulsory (you must take all of them during your studies)
  • selective (of which you must take a courses for a certain number of credits)
  • optional (these are all the other courses throughout the university)

Bachelor's degree

English Language for Education (full-time mode of study)

English Language for Education (part-time mode of study)

Master's degree

Lower Secondary School English Language Teacher Training (full-time mode of study)

Lower Secondary School English Language Teacher Training (part-time mode of study)

Study catalogue

Faculty of Education Study catalogue

Enrolment in the following semester

Enrolment in the following semester applies
for both full–time and combined mode of study:

  • An electronic request for enrolment in the following semester can only be filed in a certain period, see the Schedule.
  • If you do not file the request for enrolment in a higher semester, it will be understood that you are not interested in further study and your study will be terminated!
  • Filing this request IS NOT dependent on registration and enrolment in courses in the semester!
  • Students accepted in the academic year into the 1st semester of the 1st year are enroled in the autumn semester by the Study Department while being enrolled personally in their study. The electronic request is thus first filed by students at the end of the autumn semester – they apply electronically for enrolment in the spring (i.e. 2nd) semester.

Instruction about the procedure of application for enrolment in the following semester:
IS --> Personal administration --> Student --> Application for enrolment in the semester (the appropriate period must be selected on the top right)

The Study Department updates the information about the studied semester to students who filed the application and meet the criteria for enrolment in the next semester (in accordance with Art. 12 of SZŘ MU). Only after this administrative modification is it possible to issue a confirmation of study and a revalidation stamp for the ISIC card.

Term calendar

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