Christmas opening hours at PED MUNI 2024
Information about the opening hours of the library, canteen and gatehouses at the MU Faculty of Education.
Are you considering studying at the Faculty of Education at Masaryk University, or do you just want to learn how things work here? Then make sure you mark the date Wednesday, 29 January 2025, 15:00 CET, when an online open day for study programmes in English will be held.
Experience the Faculty of Education at Masaryk University from the comfort of your home! Learn about our programs, ask live questions, and get answers directly from our international office and academic coordinators. We'll give you an insight into studying at the faculty, life in Brno and the Czech Republic, and introduce you to our study programmes in English. There will certainly be time for your questions.
A link and instructions for joining the event (in MS Teams) will be sent to registrants (see registration below) no later than two days before the event.
Information about the opening hours of the library, canteen and gatehouses at the MU Faculty of Education.
Elisabeth Hladik, a postdoctoral Fulbright scholar from the United States, is currently contributing her expertise to the Institute for Research in Inclusive Education at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University. Her research project, Moving Towards Cultural Community Participation for Czech Children with Developmental Disabilities, focuses on fostering inclusivity and engagement for children with diverse needs.