Mgr. Jana Jančíková
Project manager, Project Support Office
e‑mail: |
Masaryk University has announced a new edition of the internal competition for student projects "ComMUNIty fund". The aim of the internal competition is to transparently support the implementation of sustainable and socially responsible projects that fulfil and promote the social role of Masaryk University, are internally and externally transferable and support cooperation between students and employees.
The competition is open to project projects that meet the objective of the Strategy "Sustainable Masaryk University 2025-2028" in the following areas:
An eligible applicant is an MU student (or a group of students) at any level and form of study (bachelor, master, doctoral student; full-time or combined; in Czech and English study programmes) with a selected MU employee as a mandatory co-supervisor.
Financial support for one project is set between CZK 50,000 and CZK 100,000, project plans can only be of a non-investment nature.
More informations Full text of the invitation (CZ)
Project manager, Project Support Office
e‑mail: |
Are you considering studying at the Faculty of Education at Masaryk University, or do you just want to learn how things work here? Then make sure you mark the date Wednesday, 29 January 2025, 15:00 CET, when an online open day for study programmes in English will be held.
Information about the opening hours of the library, canteen and gatehouses at the MU Faculty of Education.