Project information
Special Needs of Pupils in Context with Framework Educational Programme for Primary Education
- Project Identification
- MSM0021622443
- Project Period
- 1/2007 - 12/2013
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
- Research Intents
- MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Education
- prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc.
- prof. PaedDr. Miroslava Bartoňová, Ph.D.
- doc. PhDr. Mgr. Barbora Bazalová, Ph.D.
- RNDr. Růžena Blažková, CSc.
- doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Karel Červenka, Ph.D.
- PhDr. Hana Filová, Ph.D.
- doc. PhDr. Zdeněk Friedmann, CSc.
- PaedDr. Renée Grenarová, Ph.D. et Ph.D.
- Mgr. Lenka Gulová, Ph.D.
- doc. Mgr. Světlana Hanušová, Ph.D.
- doc. Mgr. Jiří Havel, Ph.D.
- prof. PhDr. Věra Janíková, Ph.D.
- doc. MUDr. Petr Kachlík, Ph.D.
- doc. PaedDr. Jiřina Klenková, Ph.D.
- doc. Mgr. Jana Kratochvílová, Ph.D.
- PhDr. Hana Kyloušková, Ph.D.
- PaedDr. Ivo Martinec, CSc.
- PhDr. Jiřina Novotná, Ph.D.
- doc. PhDr. Mgr. Dagmar Opatřilová, Ph.D.
- prof. PhDr. Karel Pančocha, Ph.D., M.Sc.
- PaedDr. Marie Pavlovská, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Lucie Procházková
- doc. RNDr. Boris Rychnovský, CSc.
- prof. PhDr. Evžen Řehulka, CSc.
- doc. PhDr. Naděžda Sieglová, CSc.
- PaedDr. Jan Šťáva, CSc.
- doc. RNDr. Josef Trna, CSc.
- doc. RNDr. Eva Trnová, PhD.
- doc. PhDr. Věra Vojtová, Ph.D.
- Keywords
- social determinants of education of pupils with special educational needs, legislative frame of school integration,support of pupils with special educational needs in ordinary school, curriculum-differentiated curriculum, inclusion/integration of students
Research proposal is an applied, long-term, and intensive research. Its objective is to analyse social determinants of education of pupils with special educational needs in CR in comparison with foreign researches results in the following fields: legislative frame of school integration, support of pupils with special educational needs in ordinary school, at pupils with handicap in comparison with school for pupils with special educational needs, curriculum - differentiated curriculum. The research will be carried out partly as a qualitative research producing episteme form empirical research.
The main objective is to formulate theoretical foundations of the problem, carry out analysis of the available materials and produce comparative studies with foreign countries. Proposals and actions will be determined. Partly the research will be carried as a quantitative research.
The study is a systematic creative activity in areas of inclusion/integration of students with special needs in primary school with the aim to gradually implement FEP PE. Research outcomes will be presented at conferences and in publications.
Total number of publications: 2203
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