Projektunterricht und Motivation im Deutsch-als-Fremdsprache Unterricht

Title in English Project-Based Learning and Motivation in German as a Foreign Language Class

ŠTILEC Vojtěch

Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Research in Foreign Language Pedagogy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords project work; motivation; affective variables; task-based learning
Description Since the 1950s, the impact of various affective variables on the second and foreign language acquisition has been empirically studied, with the researchers always focusing on motivation. In this paper special attention is paid to the correlation between motivation and project-based learning as a teaching method. This method of teaching is presented and discussed in the context of its motivational potential to the learners, as such methods are currently regarded as indispensable components of any task-based foreign language learning and seem to be decisive for the success of learning.
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