Is the change recognizable?

13 Jan 2023

The Faculty of Education is approaching another HR Award milestone - the Internal Assessment of the two-year Implementation Phase of the project. During this period, we have been aligning HR processes with the Charter and Code, enhancing working conditions, and mapping out future areas for development. To spread awareness of the innovations as widely as possible, to communicate the outputs of the project, and to discover how our employees perceive progress, we conducted an anonymous survey.


Thanks to the hard work of all involved, a large number of practical outputs have been produced. To spread awareness of the innovations as widely as possible, to communicate the outputs of the project, and to discover how our employees perceive progress, we conducted an anonymous survey (HR Award – implementation phase, 1.11-16.11.2022) that was distributed to academic staff and Department Heads of academic and non-academic. Overall, 82 respondents participated, of whom 68 perceived the award to be beneficial, and 70% of respondents were familiar with the HR Award and perceived improvements in processes and services provided at the Faculty over the last two years. 49% of respondents welcomed the forthcoming changes to recruitment and selection (effective January 2023). The practical outputs were also appreciated, e.g. the new project department website, the (Post)Doctoral School, publishing support, etc. In terms of human resource management, it was encouraging to find that 96% of the respondents had undergone periodic evaluation, and 50% of the persons perceived positively the efforts of the Faculty to include qualitative indicators in the evaluation. The questionnaire collected themes, areas, and activities that the Faculty could further develop in the coming years.

The findings of this survey, together with feedback from the conducted Equal Opportunities Audit, will serve as the basis for the development of an Interim Assessment Report and a new three-year HR Strategy, which will take the form of a Revised Action Plan.

We would like to thank all FEd MU employees who participated in the survey and shared their views with us.

Survey − report



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