Possible occurrence of a flood situation in the area of Poříčí Street - current information

Jsou budoucí učitelé připraveni na integraci žáků?

Title in English Are future teachers prepared for the integration of pupils?


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference „Aktuální problémy metodologie a metodiky ve speciální pedagogice“ Pedagogická fakulta Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords integration; the education of pupils with special educational needs; hearing impairment; quantitative research; questionnaire survey
Description For the appropriate personality development of a child with hearing impairment, it is necessary to involve a broad team of people - physicians, teachers, and parents. This colaboration, unless it is just formal, can lead to the best incorporation to the majority society. However, family is the most important element of a complex care. Family is the most significant social group for personal development of a child, providing a background and satisfies its needs. The paper discusses the importance of the right choice of communication channel between a hearing-impaired child and its parents. The results have been obtained during a research.
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