Zneužívání návykových látek studenty MU v Brně. 2. část.

Title in English A Drug Abuse among Students of Masaryk University Brno. Part 2.


Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Protialkoholický obzor
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Other medical specializations
Keywords questionnaire; habit-forming substances; prevention; program; survey; university; undergraduates
Description In 1997 was realized a anonymous survey via questionnaire among 1567 university students from 6 faculties of Masaryk University in Brno. It was focused on abuse of habit-forming substantions and attitudes to them. 75 % of respondents drinks alcoholic beverages once a week at least, 30 % of respondents smokes tobacco once a week at least. From illegal substantions are most frequently consumed hemp, hallucinogens, dancing drugs, speed, cocaine and opiates. 80 % of consumption were 1 or 2 experiments, less frequently from 3 to 5, rarely more. Reasons of first drug experiment were most often curiosity, craving for pleasant sensations, need of psychological relaxation and gregariousness. In file of respondents exists a strong contrast among knowledges, risk perception and consequent behavior. It is necessary support drug-free zone at the academic ground, promote principles of healthy lifestyle, motivate university students opportunely, help them in their problems.
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