3D model neuronu a nervové synapse pro využití do výuky přírodopisu na 2. stupni základní školy

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Title in English 3D model of neuron and synapsis for use in teaching biology at middle school

POULOVÁ Kristýna JANČOVÁ Martina

Year of publication 2023
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The bachelor’s thesis deals with the creation of the 3D model of neuron and synapsis for use in teaching natural sciences at middle school. Part of the thesis is the evaluation of how the term neuron and synapsis is treated in the textbooks for middle school, as well as the creation of the professional background for lesson preparation for teachers. The bachelor’s thesis consists of two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part describes the nervous system, concretely its function and division, the structure, and types of the neuron cell, the principal of nerve impulse transmission by neural synapsis and a description of the most well-known diseases of the nervous system that prevent its normal functioning. This characteristic of neural system serves as a professional background for teachers for the lesson preparation on the topic of the nervous system. There is also a chapter devoted to the use of models in the natural sciences teaching and the possibility of using 3D printing to create the teacher’s own models. The practical part of the thesis deals with the creation of 3D models in a program for three-dimensional modelling. It also includes a detailed analysis of textbooks for middle school in which the treatment of terms neuron and neural synapse is evaluated. This bachelor’s thesis was created as part of the TAČR project „3D printing and its applications in primary and secondary schools“(TL03000425).
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