Vztah muzea a školy a jejich sepjetí s rámcovými vzdělávacími programy

Title in English The relationship between the museum and the school: The Framework Education Programme for Basic Education


Year of publication 2021
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The aim of the paper is to present the issue of cooperation between the museum and the school in an effort to point out the potential benefits that this cooperation brings to all participants involved - museums, teachers and especially students. The offer of museum educational activities is on the rise in the Czech Republic. In an effort to attract school groups, educational programs of museums are often linked to the framework education programmes, or at least have the potential to be connected with them. At the same time, their interconnection is not only evident at the professional level (gaining information in the fields presented by the museum), but also in the area of the development of pupils' diverse competencies and their cultivation. Last but not least, museums are consciously involved in the process of forming the identities of their visitors, especially national identities. The relationship between the national identity, the museum exposition and their connection with the framework educational programs will be demonstrated on the example of a research analysis carried out in the permanent exposition of the Silesian Museum in Opava.

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