Assessment of Psychomotor Development of Preschool Children: A Review of Eight Psychomotor Developmental Tools


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Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source International Journal of Sport and Health Sciences
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Assessment of psychomotor development, preschool children, psychomotor development, review of assessment tools
Description The assessment of psychomotor development allows us to identify children with motor delays, helps us to monitor progress in time and prepare suitable intervention programs. The foundation of psychomotor development lies in pre-school age and is crucial for child´s further cognitive and social development. Many assessment tools of psychomotor development have been developed over the years. Some of them are easy screening tools; others are more complex and sophisticated. The purpose of this review is to describe the history of psychomotor assessment, specify preschool children´s psychomotor evaluation and review eight psychomotor development assessment tools for preschool children (Denver II., DEMOST-PRE, TGMD -2/3, BOT-2, MABC-2, PDMS-2, KTK, MOT 4-6). The selection of test depends on purpose and context in which is the assessment planned.
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