Formování regionální identity na příkladu vybraných významných osobností

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Title in English Formation of regional identity in examples of selected prominent personalities


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Společný vzdělávací program přeshraničního exkurzního vyučování jako podpora výchovy k občanství
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords regional identity; Straznice; education; didactic transformation;
Description he paper focuses on the development of regional identity among pupils through the use of the theme of important personalities associated with the given place. Based on field research, such significant personalities (B. Hrejsová, JA Comenius, M.Kudeříková, J. Skácel and J.Úprka) were selected within the defined region - the district of Hodonín, the town of Strážnice, that represent the region, those which significantly exceed it and have a significant international overlap. The text should also serve as a starting material for didactic processing of the topic into school education.
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