Fobické stavy ve školním prostředí

Title in English Fobic states in the school environment


Year of publication 2018
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description A research study has been carried out to identify factors contributing to the formation of phobic conditions at school and the possibilities of their solution for participants attending the second stage of elementary school. An analysis of professional documentation, structured interviews with children and their parents and observation was used. Long-term pedagogical interventions were carried out in families. An important role in the formation of phobic conditions in the family environment is the failure of relationships, wrong educational strategy, lack of time for the child, few common leisure activities. In the school environment, phobias are related to the negative climate of the class, disregarding the pupil's specific needs and appreciation of the effort, low levels of motivation, and the absence of good friends. Long-term work with the family has been able to reverse this unfavorable situation to a varying extent.
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