Posilování s olympijskou činkou a vzpírání v kondiční přípravě mládeže

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This publication doesn't include Faculty of Education. It includes Faculty of Sports Studies. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Strengthening with the olympic bar and weightlifting in the strength training for children and youth


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Kondičný tréning v roku 2018
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Keywords snatch; clean and jerk; methodology; LTAD; youth; children; weight training; strength training; conditioning training
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Description Weight-training and strength training with the Olympic bar is appropriate to include in the second stage of Long-term athlete development (LTAD) into the "FUNdamentals", for girls and boy from the age of six. This period is focused on introducing and learning the proper technique of weightlifting training exercises and exercises with an Olympic bar. This exercise is in the first period performed without external loads, it is performed only with the body weight. After mastering the basic proper technique and mastering it, you can move on to the technique of these exercises with a wooden stick or a technical bar. Until then, you can go to the classic Olympic barbells and strengthen them with them. Strength training for children should practice 2 - 3 times a week, duration of the training about 60 minutes, and 3 to 5 repetitions in the weightlifting competition exercises, and 5 to 10 for an associative exercise (Faigenbaum & Polakowski, 1999). The training must be conducted by an experienced and licensed trainer by the National Weightlifting Associations, which guarantees the quality of knowledge and ability to train. The methodology of the weightlifting and strengthening with the Olympics bars must be distinguished with regard to the forms of the training and the volume, intensity of training children and adults, even if they are beginners without previous weightlifting skills. As part of the methodical sequence, we follow a sport-specific age rather than a calendar age.
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