Dotazník měření úrovně klíčových kompetencí pro žáky ZŠ

Title in English Questionnaire for measuring the level of key competencies for elementary school pupils


Year of publication 2018
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The paper presents the process of preparetion and the final form of a diagnostic tool for measuring the level of key competences of pupils of the second grade of elementary schools. This is a screening questionnaire of three key competences (learning, problem solving, social and personnel competency), whose pilot testing was carried out at schools in the South Moravian and Moravian Silesian region on a sample of about 500 pupils. The questionnaires are filled in by the pupils as the self-assessment, but the teacher can also work with the questionnaires and can use the results to change the ways of working with specific pupils.

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