Skazani na zanik? W kwestii konsekwencji polityki józefinizmu dla wewnętrznego życia klasztorów mendykanckich (na przykładzie Niemiecko-Czeskiej Prowincji Zakonu Braci Najmniejszych)

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Title in English Condemned to extinction? On the impact of Josephinism on the inner life of mendicants monasteries (shown on the example of German-Bohemian Province of the Order of the Minims)


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Kasaty klasztorów na obszarze dawnej Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów i na Śląsku na tle procesów sekularyzacyjnych w Europie. Tom 1: Geneza kasaty na ziemiach zaborów austriackiego i rosyjskiego.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords Josephinism; monasteries; Order of the Minims
Description Most of the eleven convets of the Order of the Minims from the German-Bohemian province were abolished in 1784-1789. Some monastic communities in Vienna,Munich, and Amberg were temporarily preserved after this period, however, with certain restrictions. After the abolition of the last convent of St. Joseph at Amberg in 1803, the progressing secularisation and the internal problemas of these convents resulted in a decline of the disturbed province.
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