Multilingvní děti v monolingvní pasti.

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Title in English Multilingual children in monolingual trap.


Year of publication 2017
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Project ISOTIS (Inclusive Education and Social Support to Tackle Inequalities in Society) is focused on developing programmes to support preschool and primary school education for socially disadvantaged children living in Europe. With another 17 countries from all around the Europe Czech team is concerned with Roma families living in Brno and Ústí nad Labem as well as selected educational organizations. In 2018 we will conduct a case study on supporting multilingual home environment of preschool and early school children. This case study will be a starting point for comapring the situation of different socially disadvantaged families across Europe and for developing Virutal Learning Environment (VLE). Socio-historical context of Czech Roma living conditions will be a methodological challenge which can be also inspiring for partners from other countries. This paper will present goals and conceptual presuppositions of this study and will draw possible solutions to methodological dilemmas.
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