Hledání neočekávaného: Kreativita a inovace v hudební výchově

Title in English Looking for the Unexpected: Creativity and Innovation in Music Education


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source HUDEBNÍ VÝCHOVA - časopis pro hudební a obecně estetickou výchovu školní a mimoškolní
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords European Association for Music in Schools; Visegrad music team; music creativity; pedagogical inspiration for education
Description The article analytically explores the significant 24th EAS (European Association for Music in Schools)conference on music education, entitled Looking for the unexpected: Creativity and innovation in music education, held in March 2016 in Vilnius, its students and doctoral forums, symposium of national coordinators of member countries, some here presented researches on the musical creativity of children (MusikKreativ +) or musical preferences of youth. It also stresses the importance of the EAS activities and the Visegrad Music Team.
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