FM systém a dítě se sluchovým postižením předškolního věku

Title in English FM technology and a child with hearing impairment in preschool age


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Jinakost ve speciálněpedagogickém kontextu, XV. mezinárodní konference k problematice osob se specifickými potřebami, II. konference mladých vědeckých pracovníků.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords deaf child; hearing aid; cochlear implant; FM technology; development of communication skills
Description The hearing aids and cochelar implants play a crucial role in the proces of the hearing impairment compensation. Despite the fact of the continual technical development, the users keep facing the problems while spoken language perception in the noisy enviroment or within longer distance from speaker. Therefore there is a space for FM system technology using. Presented article deals with the FM system using, particularly in preschool children. This develompental period is considered to be essential for speech development. There are described the results of the qualitative research, which was carried out as a case study. Within the several phases of the research the benefit of the FM system has been evaluated in the area of the hearing perception and the language development.

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