Prístupy k inkluzívnemu vzdelávaniu žiakov s vývinovými poruchami učenia z pohľadu učiteľov v spolupráci s externými poradenskými subjektmi a rodičmi v Slovenskej republike

Title in English Approaches to inclusive education of students with developmental learning disorders from the perspective of teachers in collaboration with external advisory bodies and parents in the Slovak Republic


Year of publication 2014
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The monography is devoted to the analysis of problems of education of students with developmental learning disabilities in inclusive schools in the Slovak Republic and attitudes of teachers towards this group of students. In its theoretical part focuses on the group of pupils with developmental learning disorders and their characteristics; analyzing the issue of school pupils' performance and their emotional survival. Furthermore, it is aiming at the standards of special pedagogical support, the processes of inclusive education in the system of valid legislative norms and discusses the possibility of providing educational and psychological counseling services for that group of students. The empirical part of the monography focuses on the analysis of approaches to inclusive education for students with learning defects in the Slovak Republic from the perspective of teachers in cooperation with counseling facilities and parents. The monography is devoted to the analysis of problems of education of students with developmental learning disabilities in inclusive schools in the Slovak Republic and attitudes of teachers towards this group of students. In its theoretical part focuses on the group of pupils with developmental learning disorders and their characteristics; analyzing the issue of school pupils' performance and their emotional survival. Furthermore, it is aiming at the standards of special pedagogical support, the processes of inclusive education in the system of valid legislative norms and discusses the possibility of providing educational and psychological counseling services for that group of students. The empirical part of the monography focuses on the analysis of approaches to inclusive education for students with learning defects in the Slovak Republic from the perspective of teachers in cooperation with counseling facilities and parents.
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