Hodnoty u dospívajících jedinců s poruchami chování

Title in English Values in Adolescents with Behavioral Disorders


Year of publication 2014
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The monograph deals with the issue of the preferences of values in individuals with behavioral disorders (or with specific behavioral disorders) during adolescence (aged 10-19). The research is processed by quantitative approach to acquisition, evaluation and interpretation of data. In the empirical (research) section we analyzed the preferences of values (with Rokeachs values test) in the adolescents with (specific) behavioral disorders (consisted of 317 respondents). These results were compared with those without (specific) behavioral disorders. (This comparison group consisted of 487 respondents) The aim was to identify and describe values of individuals with (specific) behavioral disorders and how their values are different from intact individuals (- variables: gender, age, etc.). We also mentioned the possibility of using Rokeachs values test.
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