Pedagogický přínos kněze Dominika Pecky (1895–1981) : Příklad propojení pedagogického působení s kněžským posláním


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Title in English Dominik Pecka´s Contribution to Education : An Example of the Connection of Educational Aims with the Priestly Vocation


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Historica : revue pro historii a příbuzné vědy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Web web periodika
Field History
Keywords Czech catholicism; priestly identity; education; student movement; spiritual renewal
Description This paper deals with the personality of Dominik Pecka, a Catholic priest, and focuses on his contribution to education and his successful efforts to connect educational aims with the priestly vocation in the context of the spiritual renewal of Czech Catholicism in the 1930s. Furthermore, this contribution presents important aspects of research into changes to priestly identity in the Czech Catholic milieu in the period 1890-1938. Several examples of reactions to the crisis of identity in the priesthood are highlighted. Moreover, reference is made to various approaches to the priesthood to enable deeper understanding of the priesthood in this historical era, to the important process within which priests had to rethink their role in a modern secular society and to the reasons why Dominik Pecka decided to emphasize the educational dimension of pastoral work.
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