Die Liechtensteinischen Schlossresidenzen im Kontext der mährisch-österreichischen Renaissance und des Manierismus.


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Education. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English The Liechtenstein chateaus in context of the Moravian-Austrian Renaissance and Mannerism The Rabensburg Chateau

KNOZ Tomáš

Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Die Liechtenstein und die Kunst
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field History
Keywords history; Early New Time; The Liechtenstein; Nobility; Architecture; Chateau
Description The study focuses on the network of chateaus held by members of the first princely generation of the Liechtenstein Family, which is analyzed in the context of the Renaissance and Mannerist architecture in Moravia and Austria with a special focus on the Austrian chateau Rabensburg. This chateau witnesses the interconnection of aristocratic tradition and innovation, in which the respect for basic structural (but also esthetic) elements of the chateau buildings plays an important role. There is for example the court arcade, which is the central architectonic feature of the chateau complex and may indicate the importance of the family. In a similar fashion, the older arcades in Uherský Ostroh, Moravská Třebová or in Kolštejn/Branná were finished, transformed or newly erected. At the same time, the architecture of the Rabensburg Chateau was gradually innovated around this feature and that in its functional, architectonic and artistic level. These innovations often reacted to non-artistic realities (such as fortifications) and sought to transform them into esthetic forms (embossed portals). Traditional architectonic elements were preserved mainly at those chateaus, which in the following period lost the residential function, usually in order to house government authorities.
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