Nominativnye predloženija v tvorčestvě A. A. Feta (na primere stichotvorenij "Šepot, robkoje dychanije" i "Čudnaja kartina")

Title in English Nominative sentences in A. A. Fet´s poetry (based on poems "Shepot, robkoe dykchanie" and "Chudnaya kartina")


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sbornik materialov Meždunarodnoj studenčeskoj naučno-praktičeskoj konferencii, posvjaschennoj 85-letiju so dnja roždenija Č. Ajtmatova "Novyje vyzovy - novyje rešenija: vzgljad molodych učenych"
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Linguistics
Keywords nominative sentence, syntactical analysis, predicate, Fet´s poetry
Description The paper deals with nominative sentences in choosen Fet´s poems. The author analyzed them in syntactical aspect and gave their characteristics. The work was written in collaboration with the supervisor M.A. Oxana Ushakova, Ph.D.

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