Komunikace a integrace žáků s odlišným mateřským jazykem – změna pohledu

Title in English Communication and integration of pupils with a different mother tongue – Change of view´

ŠÍP Radim HRDÁ Martina

Year of publication 2012
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

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Description The chapter written by Martina Hrdá and Radim Šíp Communication and integration of pupils with a different mother tongue – Change of view was focused on immigrants and other socially disadvantaged groups. With amount of research in their background,the authors presents a new theory of usage of pragmatic competence in teaching Czech as a foreign languge. First the authors introduced the pragmatic competence and its still unrecognized function in the structure of not only the language acquisition but also a new culture. In the authors opinion the culture influence on the language has been underestimated so far and that is why they focused not only on the language structure but also on the importance of social background the language arises from. To show the malfunction of this approach the authors criticized the Noam Chomsky theory, which is up today considered to be the key approach to linguistics. Using the G. H. Meads interactionist theory and D. Davidsons theory of communication and interpretation they reappraised the relation among the language, its cultural background and the construction of social reality. The authors approach preferred social interaction and pragmatic competence to language structure. This led to recommendations for foreign language teaching especially a shift from syntactic correctness to the ability to understand in every day communication.
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