Komunikační varianty cizích oikonym v současné psané češtině (na materiálu Českého národního korpusu)

Title in English Communicational variants of foreign oikonyms in contemporary written Czech

TUŠKOVÁ Jana Marie

Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sprache und Kultur der Tschechen und Slowaken und ihre Vermittlung. Beiträge zur Bohemistik und Slowakistik aus Berlin, der Tschechischen Republik und der Slowakischen Republik 2010-2013
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Linguistics
Keywords Czech language; foreign oikonyms; declension; communicational variants; the Czech National Corpus
Attached files
Description This paper deals with the communicational variants of foreign oikonyms in contemporary written Czech, on the example of Lsg. masculine forms. Together with morphological views, onomastic approaches are there also applied, because it is a topic standing on the border between the two disciplines. Its conclusions are based on extensive research of representative material from the Czech National Corpus, especially from the SYN2010 corpus and describe the current usage of written forms of foreign oikonyms.

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