Mgr. Jana Veličková, Ph.D.
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One of the activities planned in the frame of the HR Excellence in Research Award at the Faculty of Education is so-called (Post)doctoral school. Based on feedback from the HR Award questionnaire, focus groups interviews with PhD students and focus groups of HR Award working group, areas for improvement at the Faculty level were identified. One of these areas is the lack of support for the development of academic English. In response to the finding, all PhD students got access to a semester course in academic English. It will also be an integral part of the faculty´s courses offer. Besides the course, a unique one-year blended-learning course in Publishing skills in English was offered to PhD students and PhD graduates working at the faculty.
The following supported area is networking and sharing between PhD students. We have organised a PhD day meeting for current and potential PhD students, methodological workshops were planned for this Autumn, and we prepare a Faculty´s PhD conference. Besides the support of sharing, these activities should also contribute to the development of academic competences.
Last but not least, the web section was updated for applicants for doctoral studies, and we are currently working on updates and development of the website for PhD students that should properly complete the PhD students support system set by the faculty.
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