Studijní pobyty
Studijní pobyty jsou kromě nejrozšířenějšího programu Erasmus+ dále možné v programech:
- Erasmus+ mimo Evropu - Ruská federace, Brazílie, Čína, Izrael, Palestina, Libanon, Egypt, Ukrajina, Kostarika, Indonésie, Srbsko, Bosna, Kosovo a Arménie
- CEEPUS - Evropa
- ISEP - USA, Kanada, Austrálie, Asie, Afrika, Jižní Amerika
- Mezivládní dohody - různé země
- Mezifakultní dohody - různé země
- Freemover - všechny země
- Visegrádský fond - Albánie, Arménie, Ázerbájdžán, Bělorusko, Bosna a Hercegovina, Chorvatsko, Gruzie, Maďarsko, Makedonie, Moldávie, Černá Hora, Polsko, Ruská federace, Slovensko, Srbsko, Kosovo a Ukrajina
- Norské fondy a fondy EHP - Norsko, Island a Lichtenštejnsko
- Specifická stipendia - různé země dle stipendia
- Fullbrightovo stipendium - USA
- Studijní stipendium GFPS - Německo
Praktické stáže
Na stáž můžete jet například na české školy v zahraničí (tento seznam obsahuje i ty evropské). Na fakultě můžete žádat stipendium 3b, ale je vhodné hledat zdroje i jinde.
Praktické stáže jsou kromě nejrozšířenějšího programu Erasmus+ dále možné v následujících programech:
- Freemover - všechny země
- Kanadský program mobility mládeže - Kanada
- GFPS - Německo
- STELLA Junior - různé země
BIP - Blended Intensive Programme
BIP - Blended Intensive Programe
Kombinovaný fyzický program s online i fyzickou částí mobility
Social Entrepreneurship Education
Why become changemakers?
As society, we are currently facing major challenges. Everyone’s effort is needed to create a sustainable future. A growing group of people, of all ages and background, try to tackle issues that are related to environmental, social and economic sustainability by entrepreneurial action. They are referred to as changemakers or social entrepreneurs. Social entrepreneurs commit themselves to social issues and are sensitive to their own needs, the needs of others and of the world. We can all become social entrepreneurs, and thus contribute to creating a better world.
What is Social Entrepreneurship Education (SEE)?
lt is considered more and more important to address sustainable development challenges in education for learners of all ages. One way of doing this is with Social Entrepreneurship Education (SEE), education that focuses on empowering learners of all ages to create valuable contributions to sustainable development issues through social entrepreneurship.Children learn to become social entrepreneurs with real world issues about sustainable development. For example, plastic soup and global warming, but also issues like the quality of life in a neighbourhood, prejudice, discrimination and poverty. All these aspects are reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) formulated by the United Nations.
Children who are equipped to become social entrepreneurs, learn how they - as young as they are- can take initiative and create value, and thus make a change for the better!
‘SEE-ing a better world’ | an international blended programme on SEE
What are the objectives of the programme?
- You will develop your critical thinking skills.
- You will be able to illustrate what Social Entrepreneurship is about because you will actively search for and share good practices in the field of social entrepreneurship.
- You will know more about Social Entrepreneurship Education (SEE) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) by reading, sharing and discussing literature with group members and by visiting a primary school that conducts social entrepreneurship education.
- Together with peers from your home country, you will study SEE-practices in your own country, and you will exchange findings in the international group.
- You will get acquainted with good practices in the field of SEE.
- In a small international group, you will design and carry out an SEE-activity for primary school children in Brno.
- You will be able to function as an ambassador for SEE.
What are we going to do and where is it?
The International Blended Programme consists of two parts:
online meetings in various group compositions: the whole international group, your country group and a small international group (4-6 persons)
- an international week at PED MUNI, in Brno, Czech Republic.
When is it taking place?
before 13th February 2024 |
Physical or online country group meetings |
13th February 2024 9:00 - 10:30 |
First online meeting |
28th February 2024 14:00 - 15:00 |
Second online meeting |
11th - 15th March 2024 |
Physical week in Brno, Czech Republic |
After 15th March 2024 |
One or two (online) country group meetings |
- Read literature on SEE (we will recommend appropriate articles for you, even in your language)
- Interview two people and ask them about their ideas contributing to sustainability
- Prepare a presentation, together with your country colleagues for the international partners what kind of SEE-activities are already there in your home country
- Keep a course diary about best practice examples and your learning experiences,
- Plan a short lesson in your international group and give this lesson with the pupils at a Dutch primary school (during the international week)
- Create a video in the international group during the international week
- Complete your course diary with an evaluation
- (Online) meeting after the international week in your country group
When and how to apply
Closing date for application: 21 November 2023. As the number of participants is limited, the following is important: the sooner you apply, the greater the chance that you can participate!
For applying send an email to the contact person on your campus (see your contact persons listed at the bottom of the page). If you want extra information or have further questions, please also contact this person.
Contact information
Want more information or have questions? Please contact:
International Office KPH Wien/Krems:
Elisabeth Fernbach (organization):
Andrea Bisanz (contentwise):
The Netherlands
International Office Marnix Academie, Roos den Houdijker:
Stella van der Wal-Maris:
The Czech Republic
Petra Vystrcilova:
Anniek Orye:
Michel Janssens:
PXL (lower education): Catherine Roden: