Co nového přinesl do škol Rámcový vzdělávací program - Dramatická výchova ve školních vzdělávacích programech

Title in English New changes brought about by framework educational programe. Drama education in school curricula.


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Aktuální problémy pedagogiky ve výzkumech studentů doktorských studijních programů - XI. ročník mezinárodní studentské vědecké konference a metodologický seminář
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords framework educational programme; survey; attitudes and beliefs; school curriculum; drama; complementary educational field
Description Contribution in the introduction process results of the survey conducted with 120 teachers of primary schools in the South Region in November 2007. This survey reflects current attitudes and opinions on the changes associated with the introduction of Framework Educational Programme into practice teaching at elementary schools. In the main part of the contribution is presented an investigation, in which it was in September 2010 analyzed 70 school curricula of all primary schools operating in the city of Brno. The aim was to determine in what form, if at all, there is the new complementary educational field – drama.
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