Hrajeme si spolu nebo vedle sebe? Socializace dětí do tří let v zařízeních denní péče

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Title in English Do we paly together or next to each other? Socialization of children in daycare facilities


Year of publication 2020
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The prevailing conviction in the Czech Republic is that children under 3 years belong with their mothers and that only they are able to provide necessary care in the family environment. This is based, among other things, on the claim that young children and toddlers are not interested in interactions or play with their peers. This paper focuses on this (dis)interest of children in other peers and their (in)ability to socialize and play together. Based on ethnographic oybservations of toddlers in 3 day-care facilities and interviews with teachers and parents, we explore the peer-interactions and the formation of collectivity at the facility. These interactions might be simple, of short duration and not explicitly verbally expressed – yet, they are a way of socialization. Examining the idea of children as adults-to-be brings along implications for the understanding of children’s needs at early age and is a valuable contribution to current debate on early care.
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