Kvalitativní výzkum v pregraduální přípravě učitelů: studenti v roli výzkumníků

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Title in English Qualitative Research in Initial Teacher Training: Students as Researchers

LOJDOVÁ Kateřina

Year of publication 2016
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Paper shows use of qualitative research in initial teacher training. We illustrate empowerment of student teachers to become qualitative researchers. Presented research focused on interaction between student teachers and their students during their long term practice. Research methods were focus group with ten student teachers and narratives of students about their experience with student teachers. Four participants from focus group were also members of research team. They analysed data to write a chapter, present a paper at a conference and write their diploma thesis. Based on reflection from these students and their team leader we discuss use of qualitative research in initial teacher training to connect university education and research. Qualitative research will be presented as a way to conduct research based education at university.
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